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National weather forecast for Sunday August 6

National weather forecast for Sunday August 6

National weather forecast for Sunday August 6.


Australia was stripped bare by feral animals. This sanctuary is reversing decades of damage

Australia was stripped bare by feral animals. This sanctuary is reversing decades of damage

Like stepping inside a time machine, Newhaven in the Northern Territory offers a glimpse of Australia before Europeans arrived.

  • by Nick O'Malley and Nick Moir
National weather forecast for Friday August 4

National weather forecast for Friday August 4

National weather forecast for Friday August 4

Power outages in Western Australia after night of wild weather

Power outages in Western Australia after night of wild weather

Trees felled and power outages in Western Australia after night of wild weather.

The magnetic appeal of induction cooktops (plus other ways to go electric)

The magnetic appeal of induction cooktops (plus other ways to go electric)

With gas now on the nose, householders are switching to green electricity. Where do you start? And how far can you go?

  • by Angus Holland
Haven't seen a situation like this': BoM's grim weather warning

Haven't seen a situation like this': BoM's grim weather warning

The Bureau of Meteorology has given an update on the current climate, outlining the unprecedented conditions the planet is facing.

Antarctica is missing sea ice and scientists don’t know why

Antarctica is missing sea ice and scientists don’t know why

CSIRO Fellow and Research Team Leader Dr Steve Rintoul said while there is some annual variation in ice coverage, this year’s records are the lowest in the 40 years since records started.

  • by Laura Chung
Would you swim at a Sydney beach without a shark net?

Would you swim at a Sydney beach without a shark net?

The high number of non-target species caught in shark nets this year has renewed calls from experts to ditch the nets.

  • by Laura Chung
The gas industry used to be unassailable in Australia. Not any more

The gas industry used to be unassailable in Australia. Not any more

Victoria’s decision to ban new homes from installing gas appliances shows where the nation’s energy mix is heading.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Global boiling: Sydney hasn’t done enough to prepare for lethal heat

Global boiling: Sydney hasn’t done enough to prepare for lethal heat

It’s possible that without emission cuts and as climate change worsens, summer temperatures could rise from 26.4 to 29 degrees by 2100, a climate similar to PNG’s.

  • by Laura Chung
Water tank testing reveals heavy metal levels in residents’ drinking supply

Water tank testing reveals heavy metal levels in residents’ drinking supply

Water testing has been completed for more than 85 properties in the Cadia Valley following concerns from residents that mine pollution was affecting their health.

  • by Laura Chung